How to manage Windows XP partition magically is always the problem all Windows XP users are concerned about. Although Windows XP has built-in disk management tool, it has great function limitations, unable to manage partition well. If we want to realize fine Windows XP partition management, third-party partition magic should be used. But it is not easy for us to choose partition magic software, for much partition magic in the software market is not satisfying and has function flaws. It often goes wrong or even damages partitions when we are managing partitions, bringing great troubles or serious losses. In order to avoid using that kind of partition magic, we suggest using MilfordSoft Partition Star to manage partitions. It can be taken as the best partition magic for Windows XP.
The best partition magic for Windows XP – MilfordSoft Partition Star
Many users may doubt that MilfordSoft Partition Star is the best partition magic for Windows XP. Then we’ll introduce the partition magic briefly to get rid of those doubts.
The above is the main interface of MilfordSoft Partition Star. In this interface, select any partition and we can find it is a very comprehensive partition magic which is able to finish almost all partition management operations. Seeing here, some users may think that it is still exaggerated to call it the best partition magic for Windows XP because some other partition magic may have same functions. But, this partition magic is also of simple operations. For all users getting familiar with the features of MilfordSoft Partition Star, we’ll show how to shrink partition with it.
Shrinking partition with MilfordSoft Partition Star
Please select the partition that will be shrunk and click “Move/Resize” button. We will see the following interface.
Drag the two arrows to shrink partition. And then click “OK” to go back to the main interface.
We can see the selected partition has been shrunk. Please click “Apply” to perform all operations. After MilfordSoft Partition Star stops operating, we have finished shrinking partition with this best partition magic.
Seeing the above demonstration, you may also think the operations simple. However, MilfordSoft Partition Star has more than two advantages. If you want to know its other virtues, please visit to download this best partition magic and test it out.